Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 01:04 CEST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 3329449
Total Files 3312111
Total Pages 3280454
Total Visits 203677
Total KBytes 88030283
Total Unique Sites 23751
Total Unique URLs 2056
Total Unique Referrers 1458
Total Unique User Agents 2846
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 4475 12992
Hits per Day 107401 140959
Files per Day 106842 140641
Pages per Day 105821 138652
Sites per Day 766 4527
Visits per Day 6570 10341
KBytes per Day 2839687 3648656
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 99.48% 3312111
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 2
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 531
Code 302 - Found 0.00% 20
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.13% 4480
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 3
Code 404 - Not Found 0.37% 12302

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 59176 1.78% 58774 1.77% 55444 1.69% 9477 4.65% 4401 18.53% 1508085 1.71%
2 64723 1.94% 64206 1.94% 59943 1.83% 8533 4.19% 4002 16.85% 1582789 1.80%
3 62240 1.87% 61672 1.86% 60992 1.86% 6767 3.32% 1523 6.41% 1648817 1.87%
4 62155 1.87% 61787 1.87% 60191 1.83% 5829 2.86% 1505 6.34% 1597456 1.81%
5 60366 1.81% 60014 1.81% 59358 1.81% 5944 2.92% 1367 5.76% 1610150 1.83%
6 58756 1.76% 58442 1.76% 57003 1.74% 5606 2.75% 3618 15.23% 1568110 1.78%
7 55661 1.67% 55342 1.67% 53456 1.63% 4856 2.38% 3034 12.77% 1385870 1.57%
8 124220 3.73% 123925 3.74% 121665 3.71% 8302 4.08% 4260 17.94% 3314392 3.77%
9 116934 3.51% 116612 3.52% 115892 3.53% 7707 3.78% 3583 15.09% 3091099 3.51%
10 126165 3.79% 125795 3.80% 124655 3.80% 6144 3.02% 3681 15.50% 3382047 3.84%
11 124947 3.75% 124536 3.76% 124085 3.78% 7182 3.53% 2415 10.17% 3371670 3.83%
12 125481 3.77% 124833 3.77% 124626 3.80% 6118 3.00% 1188 5.00% 3348329 3.80%
13 128847 3.87% 127864 3.86% 128032 3.90% 5984 2.94% 1174 4.94% 3446171 3.91%
14 121690 3.65% 121091 3.66% 120859 3.68% 5634 2.77% 1757 7.40% 3245999 3.69%
15 127832 3.84% 126552 3.82% 126570 3.86% 7908 3.88% 3631 15.29% 3446417 3.92%
16 124651 3.74% 123985 3.74% 123597 3.77% 5720 2.81% 3436 14.47% 3363161 3.82%
17 118030 3.55% 117212 3.54% 116973 3.57% 4105 2.02% 2339 9.85% 3142211 3.57%
18 128474 3.86% 127463 3.85% 127621 3.89% 6352 3.12% 2767 11.65% 3458982 3.93%
19 131327 3.94% 130503 3.94% 129071 3.93% 6063 2.98% 1838 7.74% 3493171 3.97%
20 126168 3.79% 125630 3.79% 124770 3.80% 8750 4.30% 4171 17.56% 3412357 3.88%
21 124726 3.75% 123921 3.74% 123969 3.78% 6041 2.97% 2872 12.09% 3407782 3.87%
22 131343 3.94% 130131 3.93% 130231 3.97% 8044 3.95% 4008 16.88% 3529986 4.01%
23 93718 2.81% 93420 2.82% 92547 2.82% 5697 2.80% 2991 12.59% 2507364 2.85%
24 89026 2.67% 88793 2.68% 88197 2.69% 3211 1.58% 2597 10.93% 2205619 2.51%
25 123577 3.71% 123293 3.72% 122495 3.73% 4177 2.05% 1977 8.32% 3279699 3.73%
26 140959 4.23% 140641 4.25% 138652 4.23% 8096 3.97% 3927 16.53% 3598492 4.09%
27 137034 4.12% 136692 4.13% 135940 4.14% 10341 5.08% 3484 14.67% 3648656 4.14%
28 133812 4.02% 133468 4.03% 133012 4.05% 7079 3.48% 1060 4.46% 3589990 4.08%
29 126228 3.79% 125212 3.78% 123918 3.78% 6552 3.22% 1237 5.21% 3266776 3.71%
30 118291 3.55% 117824 3.56% 116329 3.55% 5109 2.51% 1851 7.79% 3039964 3.45%
31 62892 1.89% 62478 1.89% 60361 1.84% 8488 4.17% 4527 19.06% 1538674 1.75%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 4508 139771 4.20% 4476 138768 4.19% 4439 137628 4.20% 119975 3719231 4.22%
1 4469 138545 4.16% 4452 138031 4.17% 4412 136777 4.17% 119872 3716038 4.22%
2 4398 136368 4.10% 4374 135614 4.09% 4341 134586 4.10% 114119 3537674 4.02%
3 4563 141458 4.25% 4536 140626 4.25% 4502 139571 4.25% 118004 3658115 4.16%
4 4356 135059 4.06% 4329 134225 4.05% 4295 133164 4.06% 115214 3571644 4.06%
5 4250 131762 3.96% 4227 131059 3.96% 4185 129761 3.96% 111969 3471038 3.94%
6 4227 131050 3.94% 4206 130407 3.94% 4165 129117 3.94% 111007 3441227 3.91%
7 4219 130817 3.93% 4200 130200 3.93% 4151 128709 3.92% 111198 3447145 3.92%
8 4474 138711 4.17% 4454 138104 4.17% 4412 136800 4.17% 118875 3685112 4.19%
9 4347 134787 4.05% 4327 134143 4.05% 4286 132867 4.05% 114993 3564773 4.05%
10 4577 141891 4.26% 4552 141120 4.26% 4515 139984 4.27% 120931 3748849 4.26%
11 4546 140929 4.23% 4521 140168 4.23% 4491 139251 4.24% 120993 3750774 4.26%
12 4563 141466 4.25% 4544 140866 4.25% 4508 139771 4.26% 120992 3750760 4.26%
13 4612 142986 4.29% 4590 142313 4.30% 4555 141222 4.30% 123215 3819678 4.34%
14 4553 141157 4.24% 4528 140391 4.24% 4499 139479 4.25% 121275 3759534 4.27%
15 4519 140092 4.21% 4497 139421 4.21% 4459 138238 4.21% 120641 3739867 4.25%
16 4569 141649 4.25% 4540 140747 4.25% 4500 139510 4.25% 121735 3773797 4.29%
17 4377 135691 4.08% 4357 135089 4.08% 4286 132871 4.05% 115002 3565072 4.05%
18 4346 134732 4.05% 4327 134167 4.05% 4240 131465 4.01% 113251 3510773 3.99%
19 4520 140140 4.21% 4493 139298 4.21% 4446 137842 4.20% 119246 3696626 4.20%
20 4483 138982 4.17% 4463 138357 4.18% 4419 136995 4.18% 118130 3662018 4.16%
21 4677 145007 4.36% 4655 144335 4.36% 4613 143010 4.36% 124108 3847333 4.37%
22 4756 147461 4.43% 4736 146838 4.43% 4689 145388 4.43% 126582 3924057 4.46%
23 4481 138938 4.17% 4445 137824 4.16% 4401 136448 4.16% 118360 3669148 4.17%

Top 30 of 2056 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2421063 72.72% 66752657 75.83% /admin/kalender/day.php
2 213463 6.41% 169457 0.19% /
3 54227 1.63% 1467034 1.67% /admin/kalender/week.php
4 31464 0.95% 1024651 1.16% /admin/kalender/month.php/day.php
5 25559 0.77% 832386 0.95% /admin/kalender/month.php/docs/day.php
6 24234 0.73% 790510 0.90% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/day.php
7 23395 0.70% 647034 0.74% /admin/kalender/day.php/day.php
8 23225 0.70% 759538 0.86% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/day.php
9 20451 0.61% 668760 0.76% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/docs/day.php
10 20419 0.61% 667925 0.76% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/docs/day.php
11 20250 0.61% 661644 0.75% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/day.php
12 19418 0.58% 634828 0.72% /admin/kalender/month.php/docs/docs/day.php
13 18693 0.56% 517002 0.59% /admin/kalender/day.php/docs/day.php
14 18554 0.56% 513417 0.58% /admin/kalender/day.php/tools/day.php
15 17498 0.53% 573356 0.65% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/tools/day.php
16 16090 0.48% 445125 0.51% /admin/kalender/day.php/tools/docs/day.php
17 14587 0.44% 476566 0.54% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/install/day.php
18 14514 0.44% 401575 0.46% /admin/kalender/day.php/docs/docs/day.php
19 13926 0.42% 454587 0.52% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/docs/docs/day.php
20 13136 0.39% 363343 0.41% /admin/kalender/day.php/tools/docs/docs/day.php
21 12880 0.39% 419732 0.48% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/docs/day.php
22 11576 0.35% 169950 0.19% /admin/kalender/view_entry.php
23 10112 0.30% 330834 0.38% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/tools/docs/day.php
24 9757 0.29% 319830 0.36% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/install/day.php
25 9291 0.28% 290310 0.33% /joomla/
26 8639 0.26% 279926 0.32% /admin/kalender/month.php
27 8467 0.25% 234263 0.27% /admin/kalender/day.php/tools/docs/docs/docs/day.php
28 8096 0.24% 224397 0.25% /admin/kalender/day.php//tools/docs/day.php
29 6283 0.19% 173736 0.20% /admin/kalender/day.php//tools/day.php
30 5751 0.17% 159024 0.18% /admin/kalender/day.php/docs/docs/docs/day.php

Top 10 of 2056 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 2421063 72.72% 66752657 75.83% /admin/kalender/day.php
2 54227 1.63% 1467034 1.67% /admin/kalender/week.php
3 31464 0.95% 1024651 1.16% /admin/kalender/month.php/day.php
4 25559 0.77% 832386 0.95% /admin/kalender/month.php/docs/day.php
5 24234 0.73% 790510 0.90% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/day.php
6 23225 0.70% 759538 0.86% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/day.php
7 20451 0.61% 668760 0.76% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/docs/day.php
8 20419 0.61% 667925 0.76% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/docs/day.php
9 20250 0.61% 661644 0.75% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/day.php
10 23395 0.70% 647034 0.74% /admin/kalender/day.php/day.php

Top 10 of 323 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2421063 72.72% 50574 24.89% /admin/kalender/day.php
2 54227 1.63% 13208 6.50% /admin/kalender/week.php
3 31464 0.95% 6904 3.40% /admin/kalender/month.php/day.php
4 20250 0.61% 4886 2.40% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/day.php
5 24234 0.73% 4762 2.34% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/day.php
6 20419 0.61% 4616 2.27% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/docs/day.php
7 25559 0.77% 4494 2.21% /admin/kalender/month.php/docs/day.php
8 23225 0.70% 4444 2.19% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/day.php
9 20451 0.61% 4383 2.16% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/docs/day.php
10 17498 0.53% 4349 2.14% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/tools/day.php

Top 10 of 342 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 2421063 72.72% 50844 25.05% /admin/kalender/day.php
2 54227 1.63% 13226 6.52% /admin/kalender/week.php
3 31464 0.95% 6764 3.33% /admin/kalender/month.php/day.php
4 24234 0.73% 4711 2.32% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/day.php
5 18693 0.56% 4665 2.30% /admin/kalender/day.php/docs/day.php
6 20250 0.61% 4642 2.29% /admin/kalender/month.php/ws/day.php
7 23395 0.70% 4628 2.28% /admin/kalender/day.php/day.php
8 25559 0.77% 4480 2.21% /admin/kalender/month.php/docs/day.php
9 20419 0.61% 4464 2.20% /admin/kalender/month.php/install/docs/day.php
10 23225 0.70% 4401 2.17% /admin/kalender/month.php/tools/day.php

Top 30 of 23751 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 713334 21.42% 713320 21.54% 19659440 22.33% 132 0.06%
2 709021 21.30% 708996 21.41% 19538339 22.20% 153 0.08%
3 669586 20.11% 669571 20.22% 18449916 20.96% 138 0.07%
4 212053 6.37% 212053 6.40% 168358 0.19% 4 0.00%
5 45413 1.36% 44361 1.34% 1466286 1.67% 585 0.29%
6 10476 0.31% 10368 0.31% 309491 0.35% 23 0.01%
7 10369 0.31% 10259 0.31% 305201 0.35% 20 0.01%
8 10329 0.31% 10225 0.31% 304870 0.35% 25 0.01%
9 10297 0.31% 10179 0.31% 303434 0.34% 26 0.01%
10 10284 0.31% 10177 0.31% 303606 0.34% 18 0.01%
11 10266 0.31% 10175 0.31% 303353 0.34% 21 0.01%
12 10242 0.31% 10132 0.31% 301976 0.34% 22 0.01%
13 10220 0.31% 10107 0.31% 301406 0.34% 26 0.01%
14 10169 0.31% 10056 0.30% 299858 0.34% 30 0.01%
15 10124 0.30% 10022 0.30% 298446 0.34% 23 0.01%
16 10120 0.30% 10052 0.30% 300043 0.34% 28 0.01%
17 10085 0.30% 9996 0.30% 297807 0.34% 24 0.01%
18 10057 0.30% 9948 0.30% 296629 0.34% 30 0.01%
19 10025 0.30% 9924 0.30% 295674 0.34% 24 0.01%
20 10021 0.30% 9932 0.30% 296234 0.34% 28 0.01%
21 10011 0.30% 9909 0.30% 295236 0.34% 24 0.01%
22 10001 0.30% 9914 0.30% 295263 0.34% 27 0.01%
23 9956 0.30% 9851 0.30% 293633 0.33% 25 0.01%
24 9935 0.30% 9834 0.30% 293277 0.33% 20 0.01%
25 9933 0.30% 9843 0.30% 293390 0.33% 27 0.01%
26 9921 0.30% 9818 0.30% 292408 0.33% 25 0.01%
27 9909 0.30% 9812 0.30% 292591 0.33% 25 0.01%
28 9905 0.30% 9797 0.30% 292077 0.33% 28 0.01%
29 9893 0.30% 9815 0.30% 292540 0.33% 24 0.01%
30 9864 0.30% 9778 0.30% 291323 0.33% 31 0.02%

Top 10 of 23751 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 713334 21.42% 713320 21.54% 19659440 22.33% 132 0.06%
2 709021 21.30% 708996 21.41% 19538339 22.20% 153 0.08%
3 669586 20.11% 669571 20.22% 18449916 20.96% 138 0.07%
4 45413 1.36% 44361 1.34% 1466286 1.67% 585 0.29%
5 10476 0.31% 10368 0.31% 309491 0.35% 23 0.01%
6 10369 0.31% 10259 0.31% 305201 0.35% 20 0.01%
7 10329 0.31% 10225 0.31% 304870 0.35% 25 0.01%
8 10284 0.31% 10177 0.31% 303606 0.34% 18 0.01%
9 10297 0.31% 10179 0.31% 303434 0.34% 26 0.01%
10 10266 0.31% 10175 0.31% 303353 0.34% 21 0.01%

Top 30 of 1458 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 42697 1.28%
2 42654 1.28%
3 42633 1.28%
4 42247 1.27%
5 41822 1.26%
6 14465 0.43%
7 8104 0.24%
8 7401 0.22%
9 5149 0.15%
10 4100 0.12%
11 3770 0.11%
12 3618 0.11%
13 3280 0.10%
14 3120 0.09%
15 3007 0.09%
16 2812 0.08%
17 2797 0.08%
18 2758 0.08%
19 2755 0.08%
20 2561 0.08%
21 2557 0.08%
22 2545 0.08%
23 2542 0.08%
24 2532 0.08%
25 2516 0.08%
26 2462 0.07%
27 2457 0.07%
28 2448 0.07%
29 2420 0.07%
30 2107 0.06%

Top 1 of 1 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 100.00%

Top 15 of 2846 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2091941 62.83% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
2 387554 11.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
3 163326 4.91% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
4 158918 4.77% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
5 75438 2.27% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
6 74414 2.24% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
7 45413 1.36% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
8 21360 0.64% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
9 16400 0.49% facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+
10 16315 0.49% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
11 13177 0.40% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
12 8742 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
13 7271 0.22% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; SunOS sun4u; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080118 Firefox/
14 1101 0.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
15 1055 0.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 3329449 100.00% 3312113 100.00% 88030283 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.21